TAF Disease Program Waitlists

Most TAF disease programs that are not currently accepting new patients offer waitlists. Disease programs accepting waitlist applications have a “Waitlist” status on TAF’s Disease Program Hub. Each waitlist application is time- and date-stamped, and TAF sends enrollment invitations on a first-come, first-served basis to people on the waitlists if funding becomes available.

Completing a Waitlist Application

To secure a place on the waitlist, individuals must complete an enrollment application and meet program qualifications.

TAF will ask for your contact information during the application process. The communication method you select (voice call, text, or email) will determine how you receive waitlist updates. A phone number is required to join a disease program waitlist.

At the end of the application process, a pop-up screen will confirm the application was completed and provide a waitlist personal identification number (PIN). This PIN is required to check the status of a waitlist application.

Healthcare providers and caregivers may also refer a patient to a TAF disease program waitlist. To complete a referral on behalf of a patient, visit our Disease Program Hub, select the program, and complete the referral application. Note: If you are completing a referral, you must properly identify yourself as a “Healthcare Provider,” “Pharmacy Provider,” or “Reimbursement Services Provider.”

Checking the Application Status

You can check the status of a disease program waitlist application through TAF’s Waitlist Hub.

Enter the last name, date of birth, and the waitlist PIN. You can update your (or your patient’s) communication preferences, contact information, or information in the waitlist application anytime by calling us at (855) 845-3663.

If you begin receiving assistance from another organization while on a waitlist, you must decline your TAF waitlist position. You can decline your waitlist position at any time.

Decline My Waitlist Position

TAF Notifies Patients

TAF will contact patients when action is required or when your waitlist application expires.

If funding becomes available, TAF will send the patient an invitation to enroll in the disease program. Healthcare providers cannot accept waitlist applications on behalf of their patients and will not receive an invitation notice.

Patients will be contacted by voice call, text, or email, depending on the communication method they chose in their application.

Voice call: Patients must accept their invitation by responding to an automated prompt. These calls come from (844) 616-2554.

Text or email: Patients must click the link in the text or email. This link directs patients to TAF’s Waitlist Hub where they can accept the invitation and enroll in the disease program.

Once the patient moves off the waitlist and is enrolled, a patient’s TAF assistance is retroactive to January 1 of that calendar year. Patients and healthcare providers may submit reimbursement requests for covered expenses dating back to January 1. Note: If the disease program was launched after January 1, TAF assistance would be retroactive to the disease program’s launch date.

Visit TAF’s Disease Program Hub

Waitlist Status at the End of the Year

Because TAF offers financial assistance on a calendar-year basis, waitlists move to “closed” status in late December and reopen in early January. During this time, all outstanding waitlist applications expire. Anyone on a waitlist at the end of the year must reapply in the new year to secure their waitlist position for the new calendar year.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why would a patient be denied enrollment to a disease program waitlist?

Patients would be denied because they don’t meet a disease program’s enrollment eligibility criteria. Patients will be notified immediately if they are ineligible to join the waitlist.

I applied to a waitlist but now my disease program says “closed.” What does this mean?

If a disease program is “closed,” TAF is processing waitlist applications for the program and sending enrollment invitations to patients at the top of the waitlist. During this time, TAF does not accept new waitlist applications for the program. Programs marked “closed” typically begin accepting new waitlist applications within a few days.

I’m a healthcare provider. What information do I need to refer my patient to a TAF disease program waitlist?

To complete the referral process, you will need to provide the patient’s contact and demographic information.