At The Assistance Fund, we make every effort to ensure that our website is accessible to as many people as possible. Our site has been built using current code and design standards, and has been tested for proper functionality in modern web browsers. Our site has also been optimized for mobile viewing, ensuring that desktop, tablet, and smartphone users all receive a comparable experience when accessing We referenced the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines to help us create a site that utilizes recommended accessibility features while also retaining a modern and standards-compliant design. Some of the initiatives that we have taken to help make our site easy to use include:
- > Utilizing proper alternative text for images
- > Implementing responsive layout design
- > Displaying clearly and correctly labeled form fields
- > Ensuring links make sense within the context of the surrounding content
- > Ensuring web pages have titles that describe page topic or purpose
- > Providing more than one way to locate each page
- > Using the clearest and simplest language appropriate for the content
If you have any questions, concerns, or difficulties accessing content on our website, please contact us directly at