Patient Resources

Welcome to TAF’s Patient Resource Hub. Below you will find a wide range of resources to address your needs.

Patient Resources

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Patient Resource Highlight

If you or a loved one have been affected by the Southern California wildfires, we have compiled a list of helpful resources.

Learn More

“TAF assistance was a weight lifted off our shoulders.”

– Stephanie (Grayson’s mom)

Read Grayson’s story


The contact information for the individuals and organizations contained on this website is for general information purposes only. This information does not constitute any affiliation, endorsement or promotion by The Assistance Fund. This information does not constitute medical advice and is not intended to be relied upon for medical diagnosis or treatment. The Assistance Fund assumes no responsibility and shall in no event be liable for errors or omissions in the contents of this website, links to other websites, services ultimately provided by the individuals or organizations listed on this website or for any claims that may arise directly or indirectly from any such services. The Assistance Fund reserves the right to make additions, deletions, or modification to the contents of this website at any time without any prior notice.