Financial Assistance From The Assistance Fund Now Available for Eligible People Living With Neurotrophic Keratitis
ORLANDO, Fla., October 06, 2020 —The Assistance Fund (TAF), an independent charitable patient assistance organization that helps patients and families facing high medical out-of-pocket costs, today announced the launch of a new financial assistance program for people living with neurotrophic keratitis. The program is designed to help eligible individuals pay for their out-of-pocket medical costs for treatment, such as copayments, health insurance premiums, and incidental medical expenses related to the condition.
Neurotrophic keratitis is a disease of the cornea frequently caused by herpetic keratitis, diabetes, or ophthalmic and neurosurgical procedures. Symptoms of neurotrophic keratitis include dry or red eyes, blurred vision, and sensitivity to light, and the disease has no cure. The prognosis for individuals living with neurotrophic keratitis depends on the degree to which the eye is damaged, as well as the potential presence of other ocular diseases.
“Too often, families facing a rare disease diagnosis are unable to access the treatment they need because of an inability to pay,” said Mark P. McGreevy, President and CEO of The Assistance Fund. “TAF’s disease programs — 60% of which assist people living with rare diseases — reflect our commitment to this important and underserved community. Thanks to our generous donors, we’re able to make access to treatment a reality for thousands of families.”
To learn more or determine eligibility for financial support, visit or call (855) 940-3153 to speak with a Patient Advocate.
A list of all the disease programs available from The Assistance Fund can be found on the website
About The Assistance Fund
The Assistance Fund is an independent charitable patient assistance organization that helps patients and families facing high medical out-of-pocket costs by providing financial assistance for their copayments, coinsurance, deductibles, and other health-related expenses. The Assistance Fund currently manages more than 70 disease programs, each of which covers the FDA-approved medications that treat a specific disease. Since our founding in 2009, we have helped nearly 125,000 children and adults access the treatment they need to stay healthy or manage a life-threatening, chronic, or rare disease. To learn more about The Assistance Fund, or for information on how to donate, please visit
Media Contact
Margaret Figley
Director of Communications