Making a Gift Through Your Will

When you include The Assistance Fund (TAF) in your estate plan, your generosity provides financial support and peace of mind to patients and families facing high medical expenses. Thank you for helping TAF ensure that nothing stands between people and the medical treatment they need.

Want to make a difference in the lives of people living with life-changing diseases but unsure how? Including TAF in your will is the easiest way to support our mission. Making a planned gift is a powerful way to ensure that your values live on. Your commitment today helps us continue providing financial assistance to the people who need it most.

The Assistance Fund believes in creating a brighter future for people in need. That’s why we’ve partnered with FreeWill to offer a unique opportunity for you to create your own legal will. It’s free, easy, and only takes a few minutes!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a will already and want to update it?


Name: The Assistance Fund
Address: 8427 Southpark Circle, Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32819
EIN: 270270731

Below is TAF’s suggested language to use when drafting your will:

For an unrestricted gift that allows The Assistance Fund to determine how to use the funds based on the most pressing needs, use the following language for your will:

“I give to The Assistance Fund, Inc., a nonprofit corporation currently located at 8427 Southpark Circle, Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32819, or its successor thereto, _________ [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its unrestricted charitable use and purpose.”

To designate your provision for a particular purpose:

“I give to The Assistance Fund, Inc., a nonprofit corporation currently located at 8427 Southpark Circle, Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32819, or its successor thereto, _________ [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property]. This gift should be used for (state purpose) if and so long as The Assistance Fund, Inc. determines the need exists. If The Assistance Fund, Inc. shall determine at the outset or at a later time that the need does not exist, or no longer exists, or for some reason, it is not possible (or prudent) to administer my gift as originally intended, The Assistance Fund, Inc. may, in its sole and uncontrolled discretion, direct the use of my bequest for a purpose related as closely as possible to that stated above.”

If you have named The Assistance Fund in your will or trust, please let us know so we can ensure your gift is used according to your wishes. Notifying us of your plans enables us to plan together for the use of your future gift. However, if you prefer to remain anonymous, we will keep your name and gift strictly confidential.

Why did TAF partner with FreeWill?


Creating a will is overwhelming, but it’s important to make a plan to protect your loved ones and ensure your last wishes are honored. By partnering with FreeWill we provide you with an online tool that guides you through the process of drafting a will, including the option to name The Assistance Fund as a beneficiary. By specifying The Assistance Fund in your will, you ensure your generosity will continue to help others and make a difference for years to come.

Is FreeWill valid and legal?


FreeWill works with top trusts and estate experts throughout the United States to ensure compliance with the legal requirements of all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Once you complete the forms on the FreeWill website and print a copy, you will receive instructions on how to finalize your will. You may be required to have a witness and/or a notary to make your will legally valid.

I have homes in two states. Where should I file my will?


It is recommended that you create and file your will in the state considered your primary residence and where you file taxes. Each state has its own distinctive set of guidelines and rules for estate planning. If circumstances change and you move, log in to FreeWill, change your address, and the tool will automatically update your will to reflect the laws of your new state. Once you complete these steps, print out the new will, re-execute it, store it in a safe place, and destroy the old will.

If I already have a will and want to make changes, can I use FreeWill?


Yes. We are delighted that you are choosing to plan for the future. If you’re interested in making a change, it’s easy to create and execute a new will using FreeWill and then destroy the earlier version.

Can I make a joint will with my spouse?


While FreeWill does not offer joint wills, you can create mirrored wills on their website. For more information, read more about the difference between these options.

“You are the unsung angels in my life.” — Martha, a TAF patient